Reminder: Stage II Fire Restrictions Forest-wide
A friendly reminder that Stage II fire restrictions are in effect, which means no target shooting on Arizona’s National Forests. Hunting is still allowed.
Stage II Fire Restrictions Forest-wide For more info…
Date(s): Jun 21, 2017
Contact(s): Coconino National Forest Supervisor’s Office 928-527-3600
Stage II fire, campfire, smoking, and other fire restrictions are in effect across the entire Coconino National Forest starting on Thursday, June 22, 2017 at 8 a.m.
Under the restrictions, fires, campfires, charcoal, coal and wood stoves are prohibited. Smoking is also prohibited. Using a device that is solely fueled by liquid petroleum or LPG fuels that can be turned on and off is allowed in areas that are barren or cleared of all overhead and surrounding flammable materials within three feet of the device. Fireworks are always prohibited on all national forest lands.
Shooting Alternatives
If you are looking for alternatives for sighting-in your gun or just to plink, below are a few options.
Northern Arizona Shooting Range: https://www.northernarizonashootingrange.org/
Copper Star Indoor Shooting Range: http://copperstarisr.com/