Purchase any caliber S&W M&P Shield and save 15% on the purchase of accompanying ammo or accessories! STOP IN TODAY
Archive | Handguns
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Ruff’s Has Opened an Online Store – October Savings
September Savings
Carbine Concealed Carry Handguns In Stock Promo Rifles Shotgun
Stop In for Great Savings this September!
Labor Day Sale
Ammo Concealed Carry Handguns In Stock
Stop In for Great Savings this Labor Day!
July Sale
Handguns In Stock Promo
Stop In for Great Savings In July!
Ruff’s 4th of July Sale
Ammo Carbine Concealed Carry Handguns In Stock Promo
Ruff’s 4th of July Sale Prices valid July 1-8, 2017.
Gun Collection Estate Sale
Concealed Carry Handguns In Stock Long Gun Promo Revolver Rifles Shotgun
Gun Collection Estate Sale We just took in a collection of guns that includes rifles, shotguns, and handguns. Stop In and Get Yours Now! We also have two gun cases full of quality used guns. Stop in and check them out!
Glock Estate Sale
Concealed Carry Handguns In Stock Promo Uncategorized
Estate Sale – 14 Glocks We just took in an estate sale of 14 Glocks. Get Yours Now! Glocks On Hand 3) Glock 20/10mm 3) Glock 21/45ACP 1) Glock 22/40S&W 1) Glock 23/40S&W 2) Glock 27/40S&W 4) Glock 30/45ACP We also have two gun cases full of quality used […]
Smith & Wesson Rebates
Concealed Carry Handguns In Stock New Promo
Savings You Can Carry Purchase any NEW M&P SHIELD® pistol, M&P® BODYGUARD®380 pistol, or S&W® SD™ or SDVE™ pistol and receive a mail-in rebate. Offer valid April 1 – June 30, 2017. Stop by Ruff’s Sporting Goods Today!
Springfield Armory Promo
Concealed Carry Handguns In Stock Promo
Springfield Armory Gear Up Magazine Madness Purchase ANY new Springfield Armory® 9MM, .40SW OR .45ACP pistol February 1 – June 30, 2017 and receive: 4 EXTRA MAGAZINES DOUBLE MAG POUCH RIGHT HAND HOLSTER Stop by Ruff’s Sporting Goods Today!